Christ Was Made

528px-Gold_Christian_cross.svgAlonzo Jones writes:

Christ was “made” what, before, He was not in order that the man might be made now and forever what he is not.

Christ was Spirit. 1 Corinthians 15:45. He became flesh in order that humanity, who is flesh, might become spirit. John 3:6; Romans 8:8-10.

Christ, who was altogether of the divine nature, was made partaker of human nature, in order that we who are altogether of the human nature “might be partakers of the divine nature.” 2 Peter 1:4.

Christ, who knew no sin, was made to be sin (2 Corinthians 5:21), even the sinfulness of humanity, in order that we, who knew no righteousness, might be made righteous.

Christ was made what he was not before so that we might be made that which we were not before.  Praise God for this transaction!