Arguments for Conformity

devilThe other day I was reading an internet discussion where a Christian condemned the promiscuous lyrics of a popular musical artist.  The Christian said that the artist was a tool of the devil in the propogation of anti-Christian lyrics and the promotion of a anti-Christian lifestyle in the music.

Interestingly enough the other Christians came to the defense of the artist.  The arguments were as follows.  One said that the particular artist was not the worst offender.  This may or may not be the case, but it doesn’t address whether Satan is using the artist as a tool to propogate wickedness.

Another argument was a common one.  They simply attacked the Christian.  How do you know that the artist is singing wickedness unless you are listening to the artist.  Well there is some truth to this attack.  One cannot evaluate what one has not heard and seen.  However, it still doesn’t address whether Satan is using the artist as a tool to propagate wickedness, it only addresses whether the original Christian’s integrity.

Finally the last defense was something along the lines of “How do you know who is going to hell?  You don’t know the artist’s heart.”  Interesting, especially due to the fact that the original Christian never said anyone was going to hell, only that the artist’s music was a propagation tool for Satan.  This is the common attack that “only God knows my heart.”  Certainly this is a true sentiment, and ultimately God will decide with all the information about someone’s ultimate destiny, but it is absolutely ridiculous to assume that simply because I don’t know if someone is going to hell, I can’t evaluate whether their public statements (and songs) are in line with my own understanding of truth.

It is interesting how we have reached a point in time where those who  state “a song promoting promiscuity is wrong” are attacked.   Defending the values of the faith is mocked today.  Conforming to the world is the acceptable norm.

If we will stand in that great day, we must have the audacity to speak the truth, and the perserverence to stand even in the midst of attacks from our sister and brother Christians who have bought into the lie that the only sin that is worth condemning today is hypocracy.

Where Do You Aim?

bowandarrowWhere is that which the true follower of Christ aims? Ellen Write wrote in Testimonies Volume 1 page 160

“Those who feel the constraining love of God do not ask how little may be given in order to obtain the heavenly reward; they ask not for the lowest standard, but aim at perfect conformity to the will of their Redeemer.”

Where are you shooting? Are you attempting to simply do the bare minimal that is requried of us as Christians? What does that say about our motivations? What does it say about our love for God? You may fail at times, you may make mistakes here and there, but the true follower of God has one goal which is to represent the master in their daily lives. Will we allow ourselves to be conformed to this world (Romans 12:2) and shoot for the bare minimum for salvation, or will we allow Jesus to finish the work that He has begun?(Phillipians 1:6)

The Lost Art of Restitution

paymoneyIt is interesting that Christianity has become more and more a “individual” thing between me and God.   This mindset causes us to ignore the command to “neglect not the assembling of ourselves together.”  (Hebrews 10:35)  We come more and more to the selfish conclusion that I don’t need to be among others, not realizign the need to help and encourage others as this scripture states.

Another way that this individualization of Christianity has affected us is that when we sin against someone, we have no problems asking God for forgiveness.  We go ask God to forgive us of our sin, but how often do we go ask the one who we have wronged forgiveness?  And even more than that, how often do we restore that which we have done wrong?

The ancient Hebrew Trespass Offering is illustrative here.  Numbers 5:6, 7 tells us that when the sinner sinnned that sinner would confess to God.  this is an important step.   But there are other steps.

Then the sinner would make restitution.  In Numbers 5:7 it tells us that they not only restored but added interest to that restoration.  This shows how serious the penetent is about forgiveness.  It shows whether it is just a sham or whether it is real.  When you have wronged someone, the Biblical imperative is that you must make that wrong right.  You are not off the hook simply by asking God to forgive and going on.

Then The sinner would bring a sacrifice as written in Leveticus 6:6.  Finally the priest would then secure an atonement for forgivness for the sinner.  This is in Leviticus 6:7.  Restitution is not a suggestion, neither is it optional, for the penitent sinner restitution was required.

Zacchaeus recognized this when at his conversion he decided to restore fourfold that which he had gotten by sinful behavor.  (Luke 19:8-10).  In the final analysis the depth of our desire for real forgiveness is shown at least partially by our willingness to set right that which we have set wrong.  Will we be agents of God’s resoration by reversing the affects as best we can?  Or will God have to use someone else to work this reveral?